
You can use the Macro-Analysis feature to gain insight into key metrics like Range-EV, strategy, EQ, EQ-Realization, and more, across all flops for a pre-selected spot. You can easily compare specific values, such as strategies for different flops, to better understand your gameplay.

Macro Analysis

You can filter by "Suitedness" and "Pairing" to sort values from high to low or vice versa, making it easy to identify the best and worst flops for you. Average values are displayed at the top of the table for easy reference.

By using the Macro-Analysis feature, you can quickly learn:

Which types of flops are more suitable for using a big bet or checking back most of the time. How well various flops are connected to your range or your opponent's range. How Range-EV is related to your preferred strategy. Overall, the Macro-Analysis feature is a valuable tool for you to analyze your gameplay and make better decisions based on key metrics and comparisons.